#Bikini - real hair removal Q&A
At Prickly Pear, we aren’t shy about about taboo topics like hairiness. If you’re not a fan of body hair, this Q&A will help you understand your best (and most painless) options for being bikini ready all summer long and beyond!
(Spoiler Alert: if you just need the CliffsNotes, skip to the bottom and see the section on electrolysis hair removal, which delivers the best results you can expect from any treatment).
Pros: Quick, Inexpensive
Cons: Razor Burn, Only Lasts a Few Days
Question - Is it true that after you shave, your hair will grow back more quickly and thickly?
Answer - Shaving is a fast, inexpensive way to become swimsuit ready in a flash! It doesn’t technically make your hair grow back faster and coarser, but just like cutting the hair on your head, it will make it seem thicker, because the ends are blunt (so they may feel more stubbly).
Question - Will shaving make my hair darker?
Answer - The short answer is “no” - shaving will not make your hair darker, but as your new hair grows out, keep in mind it hasn’t been exposed to things like sun, soap, and other chemicals that could lighten it. For these reasons, your new hair growth may initially seem a shade or two darker.
Question - Why does shaving cause me to have razor burn?
Answer - Shaving can irritate the skin, especially if you have a dull razor. The good news is, any rash is temporary and will go away within a short time. To minimize bumps/burning, a cool washcloth, aloe vera, and/or an alcohol-free moisturizer like avocado oil can really help! You can also try an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or tea tree essential oil, both of which help resolve swelling, itching, and irritation (these also work great on Mosquito bites too).
Pros: Results Last for Weeks
Cons: Painful, Possible Ingrown Hair Requires 1/4” Growth to Maintain, Lasts a Month+
Question - Does waxing hurt?
Answer - we won’t sugar-coat it (no pun intended), but waxing definitely hurts. You should know what you’re in for if you opt to get one. Watch this video on Glamour.com of women getting bikini waxes for the first time.
Question - If I wax, how long will I be hair free?
Answer - A bikini wax usually lasts three to six weeks, but everyone's rate of regrowth is different; your individual results will be unique to your body.
Question - Will I be red or sensitive after my wax?
Answer - Short answer is “yes.” You will need to allow at least 2 to 3 days for your redness and swelling to dissipate before donning your swimwear. Be sure to avoid hot showers, baths, and sweating during this time too, as these can really aggravate the skin even more.
Question - Will I get ingrown hair if I wax?
Answer - Waxing removes hair in the opposite direction of growth, putting strain on it. This means hair often breaks off (versus the entire hair cleanly coming out from the follicle). If this occurs, you will see regrowth sooner, and it increases the opportunity for ingrown hair. Why? Instead of new hair growing with a natural tapered edge, the break makes the hair blunt and sharp; it can easily pierce the skin and grown back down. Hair breaks are especially problematic for people with thicker and/or curlier hair.
Laser Hair Removal
Pros: Drastically Reduces Hair Growth, Shaving Allowed
Cons: Longer Process, Expensive, Not Permanent, Some Risk (including hair could grow back thicker)
Question - Will laser hair removal get rid of my hair forever?
Answer - Short answer, “no.” Laser offers dramatic hair reduction, and you may be able to stop shaving for some time, but it is not permanent.
Question - Is laser hair removal painful?
Answer - Most people would describe the pain falling somewhere between snapping your skin with a rubber band to heck yes, that hurts as bad as waxing (see link to video on Glamour above). Technicians may use ice and cooling plates to help numb the area and make it more tolerable.
Question - How much does laser hair removal cost?
Answer - It’s definitely a beauty investment - usually ranging between $150 to $300 a session. Multiple sessions are required.
Question - Does laser work on all hair and skin types?
Answer - Lasers are attracted to hair pigments and usually require some contrast between the color of the skin and the color of the hair. Certain lasers like the Nd:YAG are better at distinguishing between hair and skin, regardless of pigment, but generally, people who have darker skin tones or lighter hair color (e.g. grey, red, or blonde) may not see as good of a result with laser.
Question - Is laser hair removal risky?
Answer - To minimize the risk of burns or scars, laser should always be performed by an experienced, certified technician who can properly evaluate your skin and hair type. Training and requirements vary from state-to-state and even physicians need training as laser treatment is not taught in medical school. You should ask a lot of questions about your laser technician’s certifications before proceeding - especially if you are visiting a “laser center.” Deep discounts on laser treatments can sometimes mean the staff is less experienced.
Electrolysis (definitely your best option)
Pros: Permanent Hair Removal, Works For Every Hair/Skin Type, Affordable, Low-Risk
Cons: Longer Process, Requires 1/8” Hair Length
Question - Will electrolysis hair removal get rid of my hair forever?
Answer - Short answer, “yes.” One of the biggest pros of electrolysis hair removal is that it’s actually permanent and yields good results for almost everyone who tries it.
Question - Is electrolysis hair removal painful?
Answer - The level of pain falls somewhere between a tingling sensation to tweezing a single hair. Today’s electrolysis machines are state-of-the-art, using timings that are mere thousandths of a second. Topical anesthetic creams can also be applied, making treatments (even in your most intimate areas) very tolerable.
Question - Is electrolysis hair removal risky?
Answer - Most people react well to electrolysis but there is a risk of temporary redness and/or hyperpigmentation. If either were to occur, the side-effect usually goes away quickly (anywhere from a few hours to a few days).
Question - How many sessions will I need to permanently remove my hair?
Answer - For electrolysis, it is important that hair be in a “growth phase” during treatment; for this reason, you may need to come back and treat the hair more than once for it to be permanently removed. As a general rule of thumb, you will see a dramatic hair reduction within three sessions. The total number of sessions will depend on your unique needs.
Question - How much does electrolysis hair removal cost?
Answer - If you’re treating a bikini or underarm area, we recommend 90 minute to 2 hour sessions; each session will be approximately $200 to $250 . Depending on your hair removal goals and budget, you may opt for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly appointments. Electrolysis treatments can easily be designed and adjusted to suit your preferences.
Give yourself the best summertime treat ever, and never have to think about unwanted bikini and underarm again. Book your electrolysis appointment with us today!
Book your 30 minute consultation here.