We take COVID-19 seriously!

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To become professional electrologists, we completed a combined 840 hours of training, including many hours of study dedicated just to infection control.  Recently, we added an automated mouthwash machine to dispense an oral rinse — Listerine with Thymol essential oil has been shown to reduce infectious levels of COVID-19 by 99.99%, so we’re all in in asking everyone to do a 30-second swish! When it comes our clients, your safety is our top priority; we are always looking for the best way to ensure sure our salon is sanitized and ready for you.

Here are a few more highlights of how we’re addressing COVID-19.

Minimizing Respiratory Droplets

We recognize a person infected with COVID-19 can spread the virus just by exhaling, so we’re:

  • Asking all clients to swish with an antiseptic mouthwash when they arrive at our salon. Multiple studies have confirmed that certain mouthwashes like Listerine Total Care have the potential to inactivate COVID-19 virus in your mouth — with just 30 seconds of contact. Click here to read more details published by Penn State researchers in the Journal of Medical Virology.

  • Running HEPA air purifiers 24/7 in each of our treatment rooms at the salon.

  • Suggesting unvaccinated clients wear a mask (if you aren’t wearing one when you arrive, don’t worry — just ask, and we’ll happily provide a fresh one for you).

Keeping Surfaces Clean

It’s unclear if there is a substantial amount of virus that is being transmitted by contaminated surfaces, but we aren’t taking any chances.  We’re:

  • Using electronic client forms - you won’t have to touch a pen or fill out any forms while you’re in the salon.

  • Allowing a few minutes between clients so we have plenty of time to sterilize hard surfaces after every client.

  • Using hospital-grade disinfectants known to kill COVID-19 and other viruses and bacteria, etc.

Minimizing Person-to-Person Spread

We know that contact (hugging, hand shaking, and kissing) can spread COVID-19, so we’re

  • Minimizing the number of people inside the salon.

  • Encouraging elbow bumps versus handshakes and hugs!

  • Frequently washing our hands; we also have two hand sanitizer stations to make clean hands very accessible!

  • Wearing single-use nitrile gloves during your treatment.

  • In some cases, we may ask you to wear a freshly laundered spa robe during treatment.

Being Smart about Symptoms of COVID-19

The following symptoms can appear 2 to 10 days after exposure.  If you experience any of the following or test positive for COVID-19, we ask that you reschedule with us and wait until you’re symptom free for 5 days before coming in:

  • Fever

  • Shortness of breath

  • Extreme exhaustion

  • Non-productive (dry) cough

  • Diarrhea and vomiting

  • Muscle pain

  • Loss of sense of smell and/or taste

Similarly, if you have been in recent contact with anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of or has tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you wait and not visit us for at least 5 days.  About 60% of people who have COVID-19 have no symptoms or are mildly symptomatic!  It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and we will be very understanding. If you need to reschedule, just call us at 214-893-2471 or go back to your original appointment confirmation email to change your appointment.

Both electrologists, Kelley & Roroc, are fully vaccinated.

Questions or concerns about our infection control practices or anything at all? We are always here for you. Please contact us at hello@pricklynomore.com.  Our focus on your safety has been part of our regular salon practice since day one!

We’re looking forward to seeing you very soon!

Kelley & Roroc


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