Kelley Kelley

At-Home IPL Must Knows

Like lasers, at-home IPL devices heat hair pigment (melanin) with intense pulsed light. But, if you’re looking for permanent hair removal, there is one critical thing you need to understand! So, let’s get into the BIG things you should definitely know about IPL devices like the nood, Silk’n, ULike, and Iluminage, etc. so you can make a smart decision about whether this might be the right for you!

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Kelley Kelley

Tame your hormonal hair issues with electrolysis

All women have facial and body hair, but the hair is usually fine and light in color.  If you have excessive or unwanted hair on your face, arms, chest, or back that is coarse and dark, the cause is often hormonal, and it’s something that generally runs in families.  The good news is that the excess hair itself isn’t dangerous, but we understand that it may be making you feel self-conscious.  If you’re tired of the daily upkeep through shaving, and you’re ready for something better, electrolysis is the only 100% permanent form of hair removal recognized by the FDA, and it works great for hormonal hair growth due to health issues like PCOS.

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