Kelley Kelley

Chin hair woes? Get electrolysis and be prickly no more!

I remember the first time I noticed a real chin hair — not the blonde peach-fuzz kind of hair, but a coarse, dark, rogue hair!  I instinctually grabbed my tweezers and plucked it in horror (a dangerous approach because you should almost never tweeze).  Truth be told, bristly chin hair in women is more common than most of us would like to admit, so you should never feel embarrassed or abnormal if you have this issue.

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Kelley Kelley

Aloe Vera deserves to be in your skincare regimen

Ahhhh…Aloe Vera! You are a stand-out botanical amongst botanicals! Full of vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds — we can’t say enough good things. If you don’t have cool, soothing aloe in your icebox right now, you should run (not walk) to your nearest apothecary to stock up! For sure, it’s one of our favorite natural beauty balms here at Prickly Pear!

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