Will electrolysis hurt?
If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking forward to ridding yourself of unwanted hair forever, and you’ve decided you’re interested in electrolysis hair removal. But, the big question is, “will electrolysis hurt?”
Frankly speaking, pain is a pretty subjective experience — just ask any dentist about the different reactions patients give to the same procedure. Some people say electrolysis feels like a mild tingling while others say it’s somewhat uncomfortable. Generally, there are three things that will affect your experience:
Your tolerance for pain
The skill of your electrologist
The equipment being used
Your pain tolerance is very personal
The best and most accurate way to assess your individual tolerance for electrolysis is to try it. At Prickly Pear, we offer a consultation for new clients and if you’re really concerned, we can even do a patch test (where we treat a small area of hair with electrolysis). This allows you to experience the sensation before you commit to more, so we highly encourage everyone to take advantage of our no-pressure consultation!
That being said, I’ve personally experienced many hours of electrolysis and found the sensation to be a tingling one. For me, electrolysis something I can tolerate (it hasn’t been as painful to me as waxing or getting an IPL photofacial — those really hurt!). I attribute my well-tolerated experiences to a few things including state-of-the art 27.12 MHz equipment with multiple modalities (and timings of mere hundredths or thousandths of a second) and seeing a highly skilled electrologist.
Don’t just take your friend’s word for it
If you’re asking someone about their electrolysis experience in the 1990s or even the 2000s, keep this in mind — the technology of electrolysis machines has really advanced in the last five years. The machines we use at Prickly Pear are the most comfortable, yet powerful epilators in the market. They even have AI built into them to make today’s electrolysis much more gentle and precise! Also, we can change up the modality and/or offer a topical anesthetic if needed. Our priority is always to make electrolysis both comfortable and effective for you, and there are lots of things we can do to find a sweeter spot if you’re uncomfortable.
There are also some things you can do to ensure an easy appointment, including limiting caffeine and sugar the day you see us and avoiding appointments around your period (as your skin may be more dry and sensitive to pain during this time of the month).
Come see us for a consultation
Don’t be afraid to schedule a consultation and find out what electrolysis will feel like specifically to you! We’d love to meet you, answer all your questions in detail, and perform a patch test if needed, so you can decide for yourself if electrolysis is right for you! If you’re ready to move forward, you can book online here!
We hope to see you very soon!